
EyeDetect Helps Us Hire Trustworthy Police Officers

EyeDetect Helps Us Hire Trustworthy Police Officers Imagine if you could spot liars... just by looking into their eyes. Well, now you can!

Scientific research now proves that a new technology can accurately detect deception in as little as 15 minutes from someone’s eyes.

It’s called Eye EyeDetect®, by Converus ( If your job has anything to do with validating truth, or if you’re interested in cutting edge technologies, then please SUBSCRIBE to this YouTube channel.

In this video, Lieutenant Matt Sly of the Idaho State Police shares why his law enforcement agency adopted EyeDetect.

Here’s how EyeDetect works...

Research shows that lying causes involuntary changes in the eyes. Why? Because lying is more cognitively demanding than telling the truth. In other words, you have to think harder to tell a lie — and your eyes react as a result.

During an EyeDetect test, a participant sits in front of a computer and answers true/false questions with a mouse. During that time, EyeDetect monitors changes in eye behavior with a high-definition camera that takes 60 measurements per second of each eye. The test is noninvasive — meaning no cables or sensors are attached. When the test is completed, an algorithm analyzes the data and the person is classified as either “truthful” or “deceptive” in less than 5 minutes.

That’s all it takes for this innovative technology to validate truth.

EyeDetect is used by more than 500 customers in 40 countries. Customers include:

• Governments
• Law enforcement
• Departments of Corrections
• Investigators
• Attorneys
• Therapists
• Athletics/Sports
• and private companies

There are two types of EyeDetect tests:

1) Screening tests take about 30 minutes, are 86% accurate, and are ideal for evaluating job applicants or current employees on various topics.

2) Diagnostic tests take about 15 minutes, are 90% accurate, and target specific questions, such as those in criminal cases.

When EyeDetect is used in conjunction with the polygraph, and when both tests have the same result, the confidence in the test outcome can be as high as 97-99%. This is unheard of in the lie detection industry.

Need to know if someone is involved in illegal or inappropriate activities — such as robbery, drug use, bribery, sexual assault, espionage, terrorism or any other criminal behavior? Then EyeDetect is the answer.

EyeDetect does a better job of protecting the innocent while exposing the guilty. Never before have organizations had access to a deception detection tool this powerful.

If you’re looking for a credibility assessment tool to not only accurately detect deception and validate truth, but one that’s also:

• Fast
• Scalable
• Unbiased
• Nonintrusive
• Affordable

...then call +1 801.331.8840 for an EyeDetect demonstration.

Yes, EyeDetect proves that, “The eyes are... the window to the soul.”

About Converus®
Converus provides scientifically validated credibility assessment technologies. EyeDetect® detects deception at 86-90% accuracy in 15-30 minutes by analyzing eye and other behaviors. IdentityDetect® detects falsified identities at 91% accuracy in about 1-3 minutes by analyzing subtle variations in the motor nervous system responses. IntegrityDetect® identifies the most trustworthy individuals at 80% accuracy in 6 minutes by analyzing a person’s implicit associations. These technologies help protect countries, corporations and communities from corruption, crime and threats. Converus is headquartered in Lehi, Utah, USA. Visit:

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