
WATCH THIS: To learn why COMFORT is toxic in life...

WATCH THIS:  To learn why COMFORT is toxic in life... Both society and technology have built a world and culture where everyone enjoys being comfortable.

However when we are comfortable, we don't achieve progress. We shy away from exerting our self to anything difficult. We shy away from pushing ourselves to do things we don't like or we are uncomfortable with.

We seem to forget that humans are animals and our natural instinct is to survive. To survive we need to be on the top of our game and constantly evolve. We need to challenge our self.

The problem is that these days, our brain enjoys all of the things that keep us comfortable. Heated seats in our cars. Air conditioning and heating in our homes. Cell phones that don't require us to see people face-to-face or get off of our ass and buy something in a store. Human interaction/communication.

Take a hard look in the mirror and see where you are today versus where you want to be. Are you living a life that is too comfortable? If so, watch this video to see how you can shift your mindset to be comfortable living a life which is uncomfortable.


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