As many of you may know, chipmunks in addition to acting in movies and singing, have a very advanced society. Your firm has been contracted to provide analytics and consulting advice regarding the local chipmunk economy for a colony living nearby. Their economy is based on five industries, Food (F), Digging and construction (D), Guarding (G), education (E) and arts and entertainment (A). You have calculated the interrelationships between these industries, and arrived at the following technology matrix: Food Digging Guarding Education Arts Food .15 .18 .17 .23 .08 Digging .1 .13 .27 .09 .08 Guarding .16 .17 .15 .2 .1 Education .11 .1 .18 .25 .18 Arts .16 .12 .12 .27 .3 Q1 A colony of ground squirrels desire a trade treaty with the chipmunks. Since they have easy access to a certain tasty food the chipmunks love, they have agreed to trade 15 units of food to the chipmunks in return for 10 hours of digging. Thus, the chipmunks can reduce their excess matrix by 15 units of food, (making it –5) and still have the same 10 units extra, but they will need to increase their excess digging by 10 units, making it 20 units. After the indicated trade with the ground squirrels, what are the units of labor in the chipmunk society solution? round to one decimal. F = D = G = E = A = 1b) - How much has chipmunk society labor units been reduced due to this treaty in total? Q2 After the indicated trade with the robins (which is in addition to the deal made with the ground squirrels], what are the units of labor in the chipmunk society solution? round to one decimal. F D G E A Q3 Lazy Chipmunk says he is too lazy to actually add up the five numbers when calculating the total units of labor. However, he has an idea: Since the production matrix is a matrix, call it matrix B. (this is the answer matrix you have been calculating) Lazy chipmunk thinks there must be a way to multiply a matrix of all 1s by this matrix and get the answer, but isnt sure if the matrix should be a 1x5 matrix,