All gameplay recorded with -
This guide shows you all collectibles and Components locations in Gears 5 Act 4. There are 20 collectibles / components / Jack upgrades in Act 4. The most time I collect several collectibles in a sequence without a new starting point. Please remember this if you want to find a specific collectible with this guide. This guide was created for people who follow from start to finish.
Act 4 Chapter 1 Homefront
00:06 - #01 - Component
00:27 - #02 - Components (3)
00:45 - #03 - Encyclopedia of Tyran Military History
01:04 - #04 - Barrier Ultimate Upgrade
01:35 - #05 - Ruptured Gear Helmet
01:35 - #06 - Components (5)
02:10 - #07 - Components (3)
02:38 - #08 - Components (3)
03:01 - #09 - COG Tags: Minh Young Kim
03:17 - #10 - Restoration Notice
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Achievements / Trophies
It’s Not Hoarding If Your Stuff Is Cool
Collect all Campaign Collectibles
JACKed Up!
Fully upgrade Jack’s Abilities and Passives in Campaign