
Getting Over Past Hurt

Getting Over Past Hurt Getting over past hurt and learning forgiveness is such an important key in our personal and spiritual development.

"Getting Over Past Hurt, Heals the Heart of Pain and Sorrow." - Mike Sherratt

We must learn to get over past hurt and to forgive and let go of the pain, hanging on to old pain only creates lower energy as well as effects our mental, emotional and spiritual state.

it will only drag us down and stop us from reaching our highest growth and spiritual development if we don't start getting over past hurt.

It creates negative thinking, adding more fuel to the already burning fire. It can cause issues in family and personal relationships. It provides 'limitations' rather than offering our love, acceptance and 'freedom.' as your core energy fields.

By getting over past hurt and forgiving, we all allow better healing, more growth and better easier way of seeing the world. It provides a powerful 'shift' in how you view yourself, others and the world.

Many people think that by getting over past hurt and forgiving someone who hurt them terribly, they are in essence saying:

"What you did is alright." This is not what I am saying, when you forgive, you are really saying: "What you did is not alright, but I forgive and release you so that I no longer carry all the effects of your actions with me anymore."

You are in effect releasing the person and the situation from your life that bind you in any way. It is like cutting the cord between you, by letting go, releasing, saying good bye. The sooner we forgive and let go of all burden, the sooner we are free to fly away be who we are in life.

It is incredible how many people have hidden feelings of self blame, guilt, shame or regret in life with getting over past hurt.
If you sit and do some meditation you will see when you search that deep down inside your mind and private thoughts that you start to see these qualities in your life.

Think about how much they affect your self-thoughts and self-perception and effect your life.

Do they stop you from connecting with people or doing things?

It is definitely time to start getting over past hurt and to start letting them go!


Think about all people from your present life as well as your past who have hurt, squelched or disempowered you in any way. You know who has pressed your buttons, and I bet you already have at least one person in mind!

1. Think of the person/situation in your mind. Remember to breathe through the process!

2. Allow yourself time to release and heal. You may like to write a letter or note to the person (you don't need to send it - it's all about releasing your feelings and attachment to the pain, and letting it go via the writing process), or say what you want either verbally or in your mind. You can pour your heart out and say all the things you've been wanting to say or that have built up inside you. It's up to you. Be honest. Be specific.

3. Then, say something along the lines of "I forgive and release you and your actions in all directions of time NOW! I am no longer willing to carry any pain or negative thoughts or feelings about you as I recognise they are about you, and not me."

Call upon spirits and other sentient beings of light to help lift you up so that you can have peace, forgiveness and compassion in your heart and see the light and goodness in each person, no matter what the circumstances or past history is.

Start to recognise any time you may fall into old habits or patterns of thinking. Have compassion for yourself and others and see with eyes of 'light' and 'love'. We all have that divine spark, purity and goodness within us.

When you see with the eyes of love and forgiveness and remain in a state of calm and peacefulness, people and situations around you will noticeably 'shift' as if by magic.

You will notice the difference. Be the change you want in your life. It all starts with YOU. It is a matter of perception, attitude and choice.

Videos used in the film:

How To Move On, Let Go & Leave Your Past in The Past (Fearless Soul)

The Unstoppable Power of Letting Go | Jill Sherer Murray (TEDx)

Les Brown - How to Stop Feeling Hurt (Habits of the Wealthy)


Beating Depression Meditation:

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