
কেমন হবে আমার শেষ দিন,,,শেষ পরিণতি,,,?? ||How's my last day ,,,, end result ,,, ??

কেমন হবে আমার শেষ দিন,,,শেষ পরিণতি,,,??  ||How's my last day ,,,, end result ,,, ?? What is Death? It's a beautiful pause, just a small pause. This is not the end. Just like when on a long journey, you tend to take a break, either for a pit stop, for a bite, or simply to freshen up, in the long journey spanning over many life times, death is that pit stop. As you take new birth, you get the opportunity to be a child again, to be a youth again, to live through all the pleasures, the joys, of this world, to fulfill your desires, to finish the unfinished.

islam# Death#Religion#,শেষ পরিণতি,শেষ দিন,

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