
Seth Feroce Chest Workout | Different Training Styles

Seth Feroce Chest Workout | Different Training Styles

Pre-Workout Shake:
2 Scoops Hydraulic (Shark Bite)
1 Scoop of Demo Day (Naked)

4 Different workouts below:

5 X 5 Workout

1. Smith Machine Incline Bench 5 X 5
- 5x5

2. Flat Dumbbell Press
- 4x12

3. Incline Dumbbell Flys
- 4x12

4. Cable Crossovers
- 4x12

Seth Set Workout

1. Incline Dumbbell Press
- 4x12

2. Flat Dumbbell Flys
- 4x12 (Last Set Seth Set)

3. Dips
- 4 x Failure

4. Dumbbell Pullovers
- 4x12

Drop Set Workout

1. Pec Deck
- 4x12

2. Incline Dumbbell Flys
- 4x12 (Last Set Drop Set)

3. Flat Dumbbell Flys
- 4x12

4. Dumbbell Pullovers
- 4x12

FST-7 Workout

1. Flat Dumbbell Press
- 4x12

2. Incline HEX Presses
- 4x12 (1 second squeeze on each rep)

3. Cable Crossovers
- 4x12

4. Dips for Chest
- 3 x Failure

5. Flat Dumbbell Flys (FST-7)
-7x10 (Rest Period 60 seconds)

Pull-Ups,AAR,Seth Feroce,Arm Workout,Bigger Arms,Arm Training,All American Roughneck,axe and sledge,look good,workout tips,tips,bodybuilding,arm training,get bigger arms,chest workout,chest training,incline bench,incline dumbbells,cable crossovers,dips,seth set,5x5,drop set,fst-7,fst7,training styles,training techniques,

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