It's getting more dangerous by the moment as America crumbles. The elites are losing control of the minds of Black people so they have increased the violence as a way to distract Blacks from liberation. One of leading causes of death of Black men ages 25-29 is #policeterrorism. No longer is there any reason why any Black person should abide by the laws when these laws are designed to murder law abiders. It's time to face the facts, Black people need to live in an alternate reality from these race soldiers. No Black person should allow themselves to be soft targets for pink predators or engage in any activity that promotes mainstream mayonnaise murderers. What is this new world and perspective that Black people must become a part of now as if their lives depend in it (because it does)? Next #2RAW4TV, STAY DANGEROUS! HOW TO SURVIVE, THRIVE, AND PROVIDE WHILE BEING BLACK. We will discuss how to live, get resources, and fashion your own reality outside of the damned dominant society. The house called #America is burning, don't get caught in the flames #GETOUT! 9/19/19 11 PM EST CALL IN 5164539174 *NOT TMOBILE FRIENDLY* #therevolutionwillnotbetelevised #STAYDANGEROUS #alternateuniverse #createyourreality #yoga #meditation #BlackDivinity #BlackSupremacy #ifyouhearmyvoicethenyourepartoftherevolution #2raw4tvdashow๐บ