The Cost
While the cost of advertising may seem substantial at first, the real loss is when you decide to give up on marketing. Many business owners have tried things before and when it didn’t work out they just fallback to word of mouth. While word of mouth can be a great source of customers, it’s simply not scalable and shouldn’t be relied on as a sole source of growth.
Collect the Data
Once you get your systems set to streamline how you’re going to handle marketing, it's important to start keeping data on your ads. Figuring out what ads work best at what time on what people is a great way to improve your leads. The earlier you start tracking, the quicker your ads can get better, they should improve with every iteration. You may have tried some different things before, but remember to keep moving forward and focus on the coming years of your company and it’s systems. Anyone can pay large amounts of money to attract clients, the key is being able to lower that cost.
What doesn't work?
If you’ve tried advertising before and it hadn’t worked out, try to work backwards to find the source of this. It’s important to look at the big picture and break down all aspects of your marketing campaign to find what may not be working. Knowing who your target audience and perfect prospects are is key to successful marketing. Anyone can throw large amounts of money at a marketing campaign, but if you want quality customers it’s important to know your audience.
Figure out where to advertise by what didn’t work
The more you work at getting your advertising and systems down, the quicker you will reach the point where you have the skills to be able to attract clients at a profit that is transferable to any company. Mike personally has used all of the skills that he had picked up over years, and spent lots of money, to create the systems that he uses and teaches to this day.
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