
Star Wars Toy Designers Trying Hard To Avoid Huge Spoiler Snags

Star Wars Toy Designers Trying Hard To Avoid Huge Spoiler Snags Thumbnail Image by VencaSeitl →

Avoiding spoilers for a major event film like Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker can be a little difficult. For those involved with the production of Star Wars toys, going into the theater cold can be next to impossible, but that doesn't mean they don't try.

The good folks at CinemaBlend recently spoke to a couple individuals in the business of Star Wars merchandising, and they were quick to confirm that ducking those spoilers can be a real hassle.

Designing toys is a very lengthy process. The long lead times mean that designers will be introduced to new characters long before the general public, sometimes years before. This can often mean that it's necessary for plot points to be given away in order for a toy's manufacturer to understand why it must be designed in a certain way.

However, according to Lucasfilm Senior VP for Licensing Paul Southern, that doesn't mean that toy makers are forced to hear spoilers. At a recent event revealing a portion of Rise of Skywalker's toy line, Southern indicated that there's a surprising amount of leeway given to those who are extra-determined to avoid spoilers. He told CinemaBlend:

"You need to have a basic understanding of the architecture [of each toy], but there are elements that are 'No, I don't really want to know about that.' There are actually people who are working on the film products that want to know nothing and they actually will not go to meetings."

It seems like that would make it impossible to do your job without going to meetings, but apparently, it's not. It's just difficult. Southern said,

"We have some briefings, we get some information that allows us to make the right decisions, and also allows us to see the role of the character [so] that we can reflect that in the toys and the rest of the merchandise. But there are people on my team that [say], 'I don't want to be there. I'll work on it, and I'll develop it but I just don't want to know the context because I don't want it to be spoiled when I go and see the film.' It's a fine balance."

You might think it would be tough for a head honcho like Southern himself to avoid facing the full brunt of every spoiler, but apparently, he finds ways to dodge the big reveals too. Keep watching the video to see how Star Wars toy designers trying hard to avoid huge spoiler snags!

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