
Acrylic pour painting with three colors - reflex orange - black and gold- easy for pouring beginner

Acrylic pour painting with three colors - reflex orange - black and gold- easy for pouring beginner When acrylic pouring you can make great pictures with a few colors. Pouring beginners in particular often do not know which colors to start with, which also fit well together. That's why I'm starting a new series - acrylic pouring with only three colors.

In this first video, I took strong colors: neon orange, bright gold and black.

To create cells, a few drops of silicone oil were stirred in orange and gold.
If you do not like cells, just leave the silicone oil away. Then I would put the orange and gold first in the watering cup.

With such dark colors, it is important to pre-paint the edges, otherwise the bright canvas shimmers through.

I hope you like the color combination.
As always, I'm looking forward to a nice comment or a thumbs up.

Creative greetings

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