#MoveU #FixYoShit #ComeBackStronger
Get in touch with your groin! Do you have tight adductors? Tight inner thighs? Trying to work toward doing the splits? Do you find yourself often crossing your legs while seated? Tag someone who could use a little work on their groin!
Tight adductors can contribute to pelvic pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, butt winking in a squat, pelvic instability, and even knee collapse in a squat (among other things). The adductor Magnus is one of the largest muscles in the body! It’s the second largest in the lower body, behind the gluteus maximus. It is a very thick and deep muscle.
The adductor Magnus plays a role in hip extension and hip adduction. It stabilizes the body when squatting and bending forward and can take over when a person has weak glutes. Placing a resistance band around the legs, just above the knees, can help keep the glutes active and eliminate the adductor from overworking in a squat.
Stretching the adductor as we demonstrate in the video can feel amazing and also a little intense for those who are very tight. You may experience some immediate relief and benefit after doing this. Getting at the area with a foam roller or a lacrosse ball can also be incredibly helpful. The adductor can develop trigger points and work on those may refer pain and sensation elsewhere.
I’ve seen working this muscle be extremely beneficial for some. There’s not as much research on it as other muscles, and some people are very fixated on the research when approaching the body. I’d encourage you to do your own “research”. Learn YOUR body. Try things. See what works. Never stop learning, questioning and experimenting. There’s always room to improve!
Written by Katie Goss @MoveUKatie
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