While there are many ways one can “Photoshop” a face, we are going to discuss a new, easy to use tool that’ll help you achieve very interesting results! In this video we’ll be photoshopping a face, that is changing a person’s face by changing eyes, mouth, and other facial features with Face-Aware Liquify.
Face-Aware Liquify in Photoshop automatically detects facial features and helps you adjust them to enhance a portrait or add creative character to a fun shot.
➡️ Let’s start by opening a photo of your choice. Create a duplicate layer to have a backup. Now click on the duplicate and go to Filter - Liquify…
➡️ In the Liquify window, click the dropdown triangle to the left of Face-Aware Liquify. If there is more than one face in a photo, go to the Select Face menu in Liquify and choose the face to adjust.
➡️ Alternatively, you can make adjustments by clicking and dragging directly on facial features in Face-Aware Liquify.
➡️ Select the Face Tool in the Toolbar on the left side of the Liquify window. As you hover over a facial feature, on-image icons and tool tips appear to let you know which feature and property will change.
➡️ Let’s further make adjustments! With Face-Aware Liquify, we’re given a large arsenal of options such as adjusting the smile of the person, the sizes of the lips, lengths of forehead, jawline, and much more!
➡️ When you are done, simply click OK. Now you have everything applied to your layer.
While this may seem just a fun tool to toy around, it can be used in a much serious sense to photoshop details of faces, without spending hours of manually selecting parts of the face and adjusting them in a painstaking manner!
❓💬 What will be the first adjustment that you do to a portrait? Please let us know in comments.
#HowTech #Photoshop
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