
Quran Disrespect Issue in Norway

Quran Disrespect Issue in Norway Two days ago a Norwegian citizen tried to burn the Quran. And a Brother Umer Ilyas replied to him on the spot
From Guantanamo Bay to Iraqi prisons, many incidents of burning the Quran and disrespect were reported with photo evidence, but hardly anyone has ever campaigned to boycott the US, or stop using the American product. To be done

The largest product of the United States is the Internet and social media. We pay US billions in revenue in the form of billions of rupees daily from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube alone. ۔ But we never campaign against social media because every religious hypocrite here has its own path,
And the fact that Pakistanis, whether Fazal Rahman, Qazi Hussain Ahmed, or any other "Saleh", never misses the opportunity to go to America.

On the other hand, an unfortunate man in Norway tried to burn the Quran. On this the ignorant Pakistanis started campaigning against the Norwegian company Telenor, and started telling people to return their summonses because it was an easy task. ۔ ۔ It does not cost much money to invest in any other network.

Who would convince the children of the deceased that Telenor had nothing to do with the incident? The Norwegian government has nothing to do with the incident. It was an individual matter

Remember, Telenor was the first and probably the only telecom company to transfer its technology to Pakistan. It has so far invested close to $ 5 billion in Pakistan as a whole. ۔ ۔ The employment of thousands of Pakistanis is going on because of this. ۔ ۔ Although Telenor is not running a lot of profits in Pakistan, it is not leaving the Pakistani market. ۔ ۔

But there is one that will launch the campaign against Telenor. ۔ ۔
The Pakistani nation probably wants no investment coming from outside, politicians should also send public money to foreign countries. ۔ ۔ ۔
You guys always have to be insecure and have a kiss on the edge and end up on the sofa.

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