
This how Ismaili salat or Ismaili namaz or Ismaili prayer is offered

This how Ismaili salat or Ismaili namaz or Ismaili prayer is offered The only difference is that this guy is offering it in Gujarati, which many people do who only know Gujarati. The old Ismaili prayer used to be in Gujarati until Aga Khan 4 came, when it was changed to Arabic and phrases like "Ali Sahi Allah" (Ali is the True God) were eliminated. Seniors who always recited the old Gujarati prayer never transitioned to the Arabic dua as they could hardly memorize or pronounce any Arabic. They still use Gujarati to pray their Ismaili prayer. However, what's blatantly evident is that the Ismaili dua is devoid of any qayam (standing), ruku (bowing), sujood (prostration) and they aren't even required to perform wudu (ablution) before their salah.

Ismailis call their prayer or namaz as "Ismaili Dua". Their prayer book can be downloaded from from the 'Downloads' section.

Ismaili Salat,Ismaili prayer,how ismailis pray,

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