
What does a 3-inch Height Difference Look Like?

What does a 3-inch Height Difference Look Like? Big Rob with a quick Height Comparison showing what a 3-inch height difference looks like.

Using 7 celebrities, this visual comparison should give you an idea how various heights look compared to each other, from 5ft up to 6ft 6 in 3-inch height difference increments.

Celebrities used in this height chart:

Maisie Williams - 5ft tall compared to...
Scarlett Johansson - 5ft 3 inches
Ben Stiller - 5ft 6 inches
Tom Hardy - 5 foot 9 inches
Chris Evans - Six Footer
Chris Hemsworth - 6 foot 3 inches
Derek Theler - 6ft 6 inches

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3 inch height difference,What does a 3-inch Height Difference Look Like?,height difference of 3 inches,height chart comparison,5ft compared to 6ft,5ft compared to 5ft 9,5ft 3 compared to 6ft,6ft compared to 6ft 3,5ft 9 compared to 6ft,tom hardy height,chris hemsworth height,chris evans height,scarlet johansson height,ben stiller height,derek theler height,

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