
Where (When) Salvation Begins ... Building & Men In Robes Exempt TEXT

Where (When) Salvation Begins ... Building & Men In Robes Exempt TEXT Salvaging S-s-elf Starts with MMS

Salvation means you have to detox God out of you to live like Jesus, who'd a thunk it. That's why the two forces opposed each other.

God won in the bible, but we have MMS to show who's the boss and who's crucified, for me Zozo-Roaster does the burning at the stake, thanks to Jim Humble, whom I think is still with us, thanks to MMS.

These little 666 g6ds (bacteria) in us ... and guess how many? 666 TRILLION strong! run us not only bone-deep but run our minds. What does bacteria prefer? Warm, watery bodies. That's why Christians and paranormal investigators are so bloated; the gods in them run them like robots and praising god only allows these gawds to win the race faster. So instead of being part of the human race with fasting and MMS, they seek the comfort the bugs want and remain as beans for the gods to devour called loosh AKA "steam" (how fitting). MMS not only puts an end to that nonsense in seconds, but weekly dosages in about a year reverses the process and you being salvaging yourself from the dusty grave all others face and shif towards with each wrong habit. We begin dying right from birth, but with MMS, you begin to take the legs out of the decay process starting instantly.

Once you kill these mind parasites, you not only feel 1000% better, but your cravings, lusts, addictions, desires, hungers for all the above and above all - the constant comfort-seeking trait gets chiseled away leaving you empowered. Then you can Vitamin B and Copper YOURSELF up instead the germs in your gut feeding off your expensive supps and for the first time in your life your, your supps work for you instead. So detoxifying MUST be done BEFORE the empowerment phase else you're spinning your wheels at best.

So this comfort seeking is purely done for the 666 trillion gods in us. Knock out that element and your tolerance is through the roof. Now you could care a less about all the comfort crutches you depended on ... to keep your bacteria happy.

THIS is salvation. Going AGAINST god is the only true salvation. This of course is what every new age Christian has been brainwashed from birth and by the same bacteria to fight tooth and nail against. Again, when a new ageist opens his mouth, believe the exact opposite and you're that much ahead.

Everyone is so-o damn preoccupied and concerned with their cars and other external things. To clean your room, house and car, you have to clean the INSIDES as well. The body is no different, but worse, it's the stuff on the inside that kills us AND it also breeds and multiplies like mad and grows in us - unlike dirt on the outside and also poops, dies, and decays in us too. So unlike washing your car, cleansing the body works on multiple levels. Also it eats health foods instead of you getting the supps which depletes your poor tired body and immunity further. To clean yourself out is like a billion times more important than anything else. And this shyt communicates with the upper "attickers" from the attic - the Archon which drives your mind. As within so without. So this handshaking makes you crave comfort and lowers your tolerance. So it's even more important to clean all of it out of you, now, forget waiting for spring cleaning.

Life is a petrification petri dish. Germs are found everywhere. Gentle MEN, get those MMS engines going. Don't let yourself go ... to the dogs (gods).


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