
002 So Tell Me What You Want

002 So Tell Me What You Want How articulate are you about your business and its culture? This video is focused predominantly on business owners, and challenges them towards introspection.

This video is going to provide you with two points of view. We think that it's important to understand the topic of recruitment and retention from both the employer and employee's point of view. To this end, each vlog has been written by either an employer or an employee. Then the vlog has been handed over to the counterpart to allow him or her to add and amend his or her specific point of view. We hope this will give greater substance and depth to the blog posts. In this case of So Tell Me What You Want, the post was written by Steve Ciprani from predominantly an employer’s point of view. Then, Samantha Ferraro added to it to provide the employee perspective.

For a fun fact many of you might not know, in a former life Steve taught Latin at the middle and high school level. We think that’s why he is happy to talk about the ancient world, and how many lessons from there still echo forward into our present. Today’s video is rooted in philosophy. The questions are relevant in every age, and as such require your attention if you have not previously considered them. For those that have undergone this process, is it time to reflect once more, because your business has grown or changed significantly since you last asked yourself these questions.

We would greatly appreciate your feedback and comments, and if you like what you saw then please subscribe. Also, don’t be afraid to like this video if you watched it. We take a lot of time and care with each video, and your like is great feedback for us to continue doing what we’re doing.

We will release one video per week, every Tuesday morning at 11am (EST), so if there is a topic you’d like us to address in particular then let us know.

Lastly, if you'd like to reach out to us directly then please don't hesitate to visit our website at, we’ll be happy to help you with any of your recruiting and retention needs.

recruiting,recruitment,recruit,recreate recruiting,retention,,Ciprani Consulting,Steve Ciprani,Samantha Ferraro,

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