111 daily use English sentences Marathi with word HAS
111 daily use English sentences Marathi with word HAVE
111 daily use English sentences Marathi with word HAD
51 English questions How चा प्रयोग करून daily use english sentences Marathi
60 Best रोज बोलले जाणारे इंग्रजी वाक्य daily use English sentences marathi
६६ इंग्रजी प्रश्न जे दररोज विचारले जातात how to ask questions daily
Best daily use english sentences रोज वापरलेजाणारे इंग्रजी वाक्ये
51 Best daily use english sentences रोज वापरलेजाणारे इंग्रजी वाक्ये spoken English
An कुठे वापरायचे how to use AN daily use english sentences Marathi
If you want to improve your spoken English, if you want to speak English fluently and confidently through Marathi then this Channel is for you. I am going to share a very easy solution through which we have learn our mother tongue Marathi. I know some of you are tired of doing english speaking course and still your English is below average. So to improve english speaking skills in Marathi to learn english speaking easily in Marathi this is the right channel for you. The videos that I will upload will be specially for a marathi people, student from Marathi medium. This will be one of kind marathi to english speaking youtube channel where you can do English speaking practice with Marathi. In my videos I will not only share English speaking words in Marathi but also sentences and conversations. If you are looking for basic english speaking in Marathi or advanced, english speaking grammar in Marathi or vocabulary. I will cover everything but practically. I will not teach you grammar rules like other do. We will learn to improve our spoken English the way we learn to speak Marathi. We never learn grammar rules when we were kids but we would speak good Marathi then. Don’t spend your money to buy english speaking course in marathi online I will cover everything. You just need to watch my videos and practice it. In short, I would like to tell you how you will learn English speaking through Marathi. I will give you English sentences, phrases, words, conversations translating it in Marathi so it will be very easy for you to understand, this is for someone who want to improve English speaking with Marathi translation. You also have to take some pain to practice. So if watch my videos practice few sentences and speak in front of mirror or in front of your friends or office colleagues. When you will watch the videos, I will tell you how you can do english speaking practice in marathi language. You need to register more and more English in your mind so that you can speak effortlessly. I guarantee you guys if you give few minutes of yours dedicated to English within few months you will be able to speak English fluently and confidently.