![[Cover Dance] WJSN우주소녀 - As You Wish이루리 | by DOJIN [Cover Dance] WJSN우주소녀 - As You Wish이루리 | by DOJIN](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tWtTUmDuevg/maxresdefault.jpg)
문의 메일✉ dojin@sandboxnetwork.net
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안녕하세요! 도진입니당ㅎㅎ
이번에는 제가 정말좋아하는 우주소녀분들의 이루리를 커버해보았는데요!
개인적으로 빠져있는 곡이기도 하고 시간도 여유가생겨서 더더 열심히 준비해보았습니다😆
그럼 오늘도 예쁘게 봐주세용💛💛💛
Hello everyone! Dojin here ㅎㅎ
This time I did a cover of one of my favorite girl group WJSN's As You Wish!
It's one of the songs that I'm addicted to right now and I had a lot of spare time so I prepared them more hard work😆
Hope you enjoy today's video too💛💛💛