Author: Gitimayee Sahu, Sanjay Pawar
Affiliation: Usha Mittal Institute of Technology, India
Abstract: In this research work mobile traffic offloading is carried out from congested macro cell to nearby unloaded femto cell. If the user is at the edge of the macrocell then the macrocell has to spent more energy to maintain the Quality of Service (QoS). The user can be biased to offload to the nearer femto cell. By offloading the UEs to femto cell, energy efficiency (EE) of the macrocell will increase and spectrum utilization of femtocell will enhance. As the User is biased to offload, the macrocell has to pay the price to the femtocell for serving its UE. Hence the cost efficiency of femto cell will improve. It needs to be taken care about number of users to be offloaded; otherwise the macrocell will have to spent more price than the energy efficiency it will gain. Here Nash equilibrium game theory and Pareto optimal tradeoff is used to establish a tradeoff between the cost efficiency of femtocell and energy efficiency of macro cell.