
Everything That is Prohibited or Not During Pregnancy

Everything That is Prohibited or Not During Pregnancy Everything That is Prohibited or Not During Pregnancy
Between the recommendations we read and the affirmations of loved ones, we hear everything said and its opposite. So that we sometimes no longer know what precautions to take during these nine months.

This is What is TRUE

in Pregnancy. No more foie gras or raw milk cheeses. Listeriosis , which is potentially serious for your baby, is spread through these foods. It is therefore better to avoid them. We will especially remove the house foie gras , cut or undercooked. As for cheeses, we will choose those made from pasteurized milk from which we will remove the crust. The listeria is destroyed at 70 ° C. The tartiflette or the raclette!

You have to listen to your food cravings. Yes, but without excess! Strawberries, chocolate, pickles ... Most pregnant women experience sometimes unexpected food cravings , probably due to hormonal and digestive upheaval. If you can of course have fun, you have to be reasonable. And keep in mind that "being pregnant does not mean eating for two. The average weight gain should be 11-12 kg, spread over nine months. " And you have to make sure you eat a balanced diet.

Hammam and sauna are to be avoided. Hot vapors are not recommended during pregnancy as they cause dilation of the vessels. If you have problems with blood circulation, heavy legs or varicose veins , this is not the relaxation activity indicated. Excess heat can also lower the blood pressure. If you are really adept at these practices, seek the advice of the doctor who follows you.

No madness at the hairdresser. You can of course go to the hairdresser to have your hair cut during these nine months. Simply, avoid coloring during this period is preferable. Many substances (ammonia, formaldehyde) contained in the dyes can cross the scalp and are potentially dangerous for the baby.

This is What is FALSE.

A glass of alcohol every now and then is fine. Doctors advise against any glass of alcohol during pregnancy. Because the risk for the baby seems to exist even with small doses. As for large doses, they lead to fetal alcohol syndrome with serious consequences (malformations, hyperactivity, mental retardation ...) in children. One or two cigarettes a day is not dangerous. One or two cigarettes is already a regular consumption, therefore potentially dangerous for the growth of the baby! It is therefore strongly advised to do without it. If you are very dependent, it is better to consult to be helped in smoking cessation. Acupuncture, behavioral therapies, hypnosis, auriculotherapy ... the choice is vast.

Creams prevent stretch marks. The appearance of stretch marks depends on the quality of the skin. To limit them, hydration is essential. No need to invest in an expensive anti-stretch mark, a moisturizer does the job if you apply it every day from the start of pregnancy. Above all, avoid gaining too much weight because the skin will "break" more easily.

The pregnancy mask only concerns dark skin. More visible in brunettes, these pigmented plaques can still appear on all skin types. The cause: the increase in estrogen, responsible for the overproduction of melanin, the skin pigment that reacts to the sun. "A little sunshine can be enough to make the pregnancy mask appear, so we don't forget the full screen and the hat!"

Do not cross your legs or your baby will have the cord around his neck. The position of the future mother during sleep has absolutely no influence on that of the baby in utero: it is well sheltered in your belly! "The only behavioral precaution: avoid sleeping on your back at last during pregnancy, under penalty of compressing the vena cava. Lying on the left side is preferable for better breathing and promoting circulation."

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