Psst. Have you bough a copy of The Life Map Yet? It's a reset on steroids. You can find the physical planner here (there aren't many left so get in sooon!) - or the digital planner here - xoxo (the price of the digital planner is going up in 2020, so buy it pre-2020 to save $$)
☀️ If you liked this video, you might like these as well!
Pre-2020 Reset Your Life ⇢
How to Reset your Life for 2019 ⇢
☀️ Social
☀️ Resources
My Product - The Life Map Goals Journal ⇢
My all-time favourite books ⇢
My youtube equipment ⇢
☀️ Things I Mentioned
Organising My Apartment Pantry Makeover -
Simplify Your Life 30 Day Challenge -
☀️ Music
Music by Clueless Kit - rain -
Music by Cults - 2099 -
Music by Ryan Little - blessings. -
☀️ Getting in touch w/ me
Business enquiries only ⇢ hey@muchelleb.com.au
Before you get in touch ⇢ Please know that I am only able to get back to business opportunities that match my schedule and interests.
☀️ About this channel
This channel is all about creating an intentional life, designing your days with intention, eliminating directionless and living a life of meaning.