Step 2: Bring the foot on the opposite side of your body as the dumbbell forward and step the other back so that you are in your split stance.
Step 3: Keep your weight balanced in the heel of your forward foot and the ball of the foot of your trailing foot.
Step 4: Bring the dumbbell up to your shoulder so that your palm is facing in toward your body.
Step 5: Descend into your split squat until your trailing knee gently touches the floor.
Step 6: Pressing through the forward heel, drive back up to the top of your split stance while simultaneously pushing the dumbbell overhead until your arm is fully extended and in line with your ear.
Step 7: Bring the dumbbell back down to your shoulder as you simultaneously absorb into the next repetition of your split squat.
Step 8: Complete all repetitions and then switch the dumbbell to the other hand and swap feet then repeat on the other side.
*Note: the dumbbell will always be on the opposite side of the body as the foot that is forward.