The Tempest: To Truly Acknowledge His Use, of His Life, Within Us If you were to ask if I believe God lives His Life through me, I’d say, “Yes!”. However, after thinking on it, do I truly live that thinking? I was challenged by The LORD on that. I had to admit to Him, “I don’t completely live as if You are the FULLNESS within me.” True, I have surrendered this life. Most of us have. So, if we have given it to Him, then it is now FULLY His to live through. He has a use for this vessel called “Landra”. The use is HIS business, and not reliant on my approval. For HIS reason, He is allowing my body to undergo all this. In addition to it being HIS Reason, He has also said, “The body is also mine, for Me to endure the trials for you.” He May take over my body, but He has also taken over the pain, and allows me a safe, front row seat to His plans, for this vessel in His Kingdom. He has done the same for you. If He has indeed taken over, then He will indeed endure. I praise Him as, in that “takeover”, He has offered me sweet freedom to rest. His rest for me is my very Fortress, while He battles on my behalf. Oh, our Savior, Who somehow works it all for the good of all, and His Kingdom. This is our LORD. He is my VERY LIFE. I love Him.

Jesus,God,surrendered life,eternal life,cancer,metastatic breast cancer,fortress,