
Transfer IEP and comparable services and supports. ADA and 504 considerations on toileting

Transfer IEP and comparable services and supports. ADA and 504 considerations on toileting The Question Asked:
"Hello and thank you for your support. My 12 year old son has had a 1:1 support aide since pre-K. We are Active Duty Military, have relocated through 6 schools and he always maintains services. Cognitive disabilities, orthopedic impairment, global neurodevelopmental disabilities and safety concerns. Placement (has always been) in Gen Ed with inclusion support and 1:1 for executive support, scribing, toileting, etc. He is in a Motorized wheelchair. Current (we are new here due to military relocation - Hawaii) school wants to remove 1:1 and have the “Inclusion“ teacher serve that capacity (so would be different person in each class). We know enough to know how complicated that can be, considering they oversee 20+ children in any class. How do we navigate this and ensure his IEP specifically documents the numerous areas of “targeted support” for accountability of who is designed to provide them? Thank you again for your support."

Follow on questions to my earlier post. The school is having an EA (parapro) do the “data gathering” to determine the extent of 1 to 1 needs for my son. She is following him around with a clipboard put in tally marks when he does or does not ask for help. Also, we were told the case manager is gathering goals from teachers and will then write up an IEP to send to us to review. I specifically requested an IEP team meeting. We completed the eligibility meeting for the state of Hawaii and my understanding is within 30 days time we convene an IEP meeting. In the meantime, aren’t they supposed to continue honoring my sonsIEP? (Active duty military, living in Hawaii, seventh grade, IEP since pre-K to include 1:1 in gen ed). I have received zero prior written notices of any changes, however, they are proposing removing the 1:1 and instead, having the inclusion teacher serve in that capacity in each class. Your feedback is very much appreciated.

Is there any law pertaining to the Preservation of Dignity regarding our special needs children and toileting procedures? My 12 year old son has a detailed IEP (numerous issues but this post is regarding toileting). IEP not being followed. My son is sent into stall alone to SIT ON THE TOILET to change his own pull up. No standby support. No seat cover. No wipes. Assigned 1:1 waits OUTSIDE the bathroom. IEP specifically outlines procedures and preservation of his dignity, but it’s being completely ignored."

Special Education,IEP,Special Education Law,Evaluations,IDEA,Special Education Attorney,Transfer IEP,

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