
✅ Trump admin begins dropping deported Mexicans farther from border, making reentry harder

✅  Trump admin begins dropping deported Mexicans farther from border, making reentry harder 💖 Please Visit:
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✍  Jason Hopkins, DCNF   The U.S. has begun deporting Mexican nationals deep into the interior of their country, making illegal reentry that much more difficult — and immigration enforcement officials have not ruled out deporting them as far as Guatemala.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the government of Mexico announced the relaunch of the Interior Repatriation Initiative Thursday. Under the auspices of the agreement, ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations will fly Mexican nationals hundreds of miles within Mexican territory, in lieu of simply repatriating them a few miles from the U.S.-Mexico border.  U.S. immigration officials stated the program will not only reduce recidivism among illegal immigrants, but it will also make them safer by not releasing them into dangerous border towns.  “The Interior Repatriation Initiative (IRI) reflects our commitment and ongoing bilateral effort with the government of Mexico to ensure strong, humane and effective enforcement of ...


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