

VEERED OFF COURSE Have you found yourself headed toward a goal or a vision or a destination and suddenly you are veered off course?

The unexpected twists and turns can knock you off center and leave you in a state of confusion. What’s next? Now what? This is not where I was going!

Like me, you have challenges that get in the way of going where you want to go, doing what you want to do, things that knock you off course.

Perhaps, through the loss of someone, or other events outside of your control - a change in cient base, work, life. Unpredictable things happen.

And you feel unsettled. You might feel angry. Frustrated. Scared. Stressed. Exhausted. Confused. Not knowing what is next. Maybe there are people giving you lots of advice.

You don’t know how to take care of everything and get back on course.

You aren’t even sure what being on course is or would be.

You are just sure that you just want to take some time to figure it out. And there is little of that time available. The demands of life happen concurrently.

You aren’t clear how to proceed or how you want to be while off course.

You feel stuck in the pain and the grit of it.

The good news is it is possible to get support to gain clarity about what’s next. About how you want to show up to get back on course or co-create a revision of your desired course. Sure there are somethings we can’t change but we can find our grace in the grit. We can make choices about how we want to experience where we are.

(Watch video)
Living Your Grit with Grace - Episode 15

If you are interested in how the horses and I can support you in getting back on course or creating a new course, a new story of living your grit with grace you can find us at


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