Looking for suppliers of authentic wholesale designer handbags, clothing, shoes and other goods for your business or a business you’d like to start?
Have You:
Spent hours searching online for suppliers with little to no luck?
Found suppliers but not sure you can trust them—are they legitimate? Is their merchandise really authentic?
Purchased ‘wholesale lists’ that turned out to be junk?
Been burned by scam artists who sold you fake merchandise or took off with your money?
If so, I understand your frustration and I can help you. Back in 2002, I was trying to start a business selling designer handbags after reading a success story about a person who was making a lot of money in this business. But when I tried to find a supplier of wholesale designer handbags, it felt impossible. I’d spend countless hours searching online and hardly get anywhere—running into either questionable suppliers, replica dealers or just plain dead ends.
The frustrating thing was I knew these suppliers existed: I saw people selling authentic designer handbags on eBay and other websites, but I couldn’t figure out where they were getting them from. No one wanted to talk.
Eventually, when I found a supplier of wholesale designer handbags whom I thought I could trust—a company based in Italy, no less—I purchased a few thousand dollars worth of Prada handbags from them, and they turned out to be fake. I was devastated.
Determined to find a legitimate supplier, I pressed on. A few months later, I had my break: an online seller of designer handbags gave me their supplier’s information—I could hardly believe it. Equipped with this knowledge, I began successfully selling this merchandise as a business.
Long story short, from that point until now, I have learned a lot about this business. I’ve made connections with people in the industry and discovered dozens more suppliers of not only wholesale designer handbags, but also designer clothing, shoes, accessories, etc.
And now I want to share this information with you, so you can source authentic designer merchandise at wholesale and avoid the scams, con artists and sellers of fake goods.
Finding Legitimate Suppliers of Designer Goods is Not Easy
Many legitimate suppliers have little-to-no presence online, often known only to industry insiders
Many legitimate suppliers do not publicly disclose the designer brands they carry
Much of the merchandise you see advertised online is either for fake or non-existent goods, making it very difficult to know whom to trust
Some Designer Brands are Impossible to Get Wholesale
A few designer brands are so exclusive with the distribution of their goods, it is not possible to find them wholesale…anywhere.
Louis Vuitton is one of these brands. Louis Vuitton wholesales their merchandise to their boutiques, which are owned by the brand. They do not wholesale to anyone else—Nordstrom, Macy’s, Saks Fifth Avenue, you name it. Because of this, it is not possible to get LV wholesale. Period.
In fact, if you come across a supplier selling Louis Vuitton wholesale, I can guarantee you it’s fake.
The exception to this is with pre-owned goods. You can find pre-owned LV wholesale. There are a few other designer brands which operate this way, but not to worry, it’s not the norm. Most designers brands can be found at wholesale, if you know where to look.
look no further, come see exactly what I mean