
Extremely Fast Schindler Port Elevators, Sheraton Time Square, New York, NY

Extremely Fast Schindler Port Elevators, Sheraton Time Square, New York, NY Recorded December 22, 2019, Here is an amazing set of Schindler Ports. These are at the Sheraton Time Square New York Hotel. These are some of the fastest elevators I have had the pleasure to ride, and you can really feel these go. This certainly made my ears pop, as you will hear me mention in the video. A few notes:
1. I had to make a number of edits, so the video may be a bit choppy at times. I had some people traveling with me, and I was trying to keep them out of the video. I feel that the quality is decent for the most part.
2. This is of course a Destination Dispatch system, and I managed to film cars H2 and H6.
3. I found this system somewhat difficult to navigate at times, which caused me to miss my elevator at least once.
4. I used Handicapped mode because of my visual impairment. In my personal experience, I have found the accessibility features on these elevators difficult at times. You will be able to see this in the video, I had some issues selecting my floor. I was a bit frustrated with the system, and I am sorry that this shows in the video. The panel just would not select my floor, and I ended up pressing the Handicapped button a few times hoping it would register, which it finally did.
Overall, these are some amazing and fast Schindler elevators. These were really exciting to ride, and I am glad I was able to check these out.


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