Here are the rules I have set for myself:
1. I may only buy clothing for special occasions such as birthdays, holidays, & travel plans
2. I must record my spending daily and track my weekly spending
3. My grocery and Target runs must be pre-planned weekly trips that involve a pre-set list
4. Any purchases for personal needs can only be done in the name of replenishing. If I haven't run out, I can't re-buy
5. Purchases must be cash only, unless it is a TRUE emergency and my emergency fund won't cover it
6. Know the true why of my purchases
7. I am allowed to use gift cards as I see fit, but must stay within the amount of the gift card
8. Hair appointments are allowed
9. Check and read my mail daily
10. Classroom purchases are allowed as long as they enhance me as a professional
11. I will be my own advocate
12. Manicures are allowed and based on a budget