Excerpt from the Daily Kabbalah Lesson_Tuesday: 31.12.19
# Q: At what point should a person make a choice ❓
~Never in the place that you are in, should a person make a choice. But rather,the preparation towards it. That is what decides.Prior towards it. By that, we seemingly cause the choice.
@47m23s-49m23 of 31.12.19 maamar herut n1 p3 hd
#freechoice #planofcreation #whydidntyouask
#svivatova #arvut #hashpaa #Education,#spiritualeducation,#arvut,#the purpose of creation,#spirituality,#emunalemaalameadaat,#www.kabbalah.info,#www.kab.tv/eng,www.kab.info,http://laitman.com/kabbalah-links/,#https://archive.kbb1.com/en/,#planofcreation,#whydidntyouask,#svivatova,At what point should a person make a choice,#pointofchoice,