
Two Words of Advice For Those Pissed At Burger King Over the 'D-Word'

Two Words of Advice For Those Pissed At Burger King Over  the 'D-Word' Here are some articles about his silliness:
Burger King Used 'The D-Word' And The One Million Moms Are TELLING!

Conservative group slams Burger King over commercial using the 'D-Word'

Honestly people this guise of "protecting children" is spoiled, rotten and it smells. As a child raised not to cuss, I heard more cuss words on the school's playground than any where else on the planet! Talk about getting an education.

How is it that the conservative camp that has some in it's ranks that believe in exposing their children to Chicken Pox (they even call the ritual a Chicken Pox Party in so many words) will go completely off the rails over a mild "cuss word" like "damn"? When I was growing up the word "bitch" made it onto the radio in the form of Elton John's hit song "The Bitch is Back"! I turned out alright - and that is on top of my parents using cuss words (but punishing me if I did so)' school teacher using cuss words (oh and in some cases - smoking in the classroom!!!!!!) and on the aforementioned playground at school. Where the fuck (I used that deliberately) were these "Million Moms" and other "Nazi" conservatives championing MY protections as a child? Oh and HOW IS IT THEY WILL CRY FOUL OVER "DAMN" BUT MAINTAIN THAT BULLYING IN SCHOOLS IS JUST A PART OF GROWING UP? Fucking hypocrites!!!!!

At any rate I did turned out pretty good even if I do resent elements about my childhood - oh right; all of it including my birthday but that's beside the point - hee hee.

Look, over-protecting children is doing them more a dis-service then letting them see and learn about the world around them. Just like the propaganda about North Koreans (damn I had to get North Korea in there, but it fits for real here) learning about a world they never knew existed due to all the alleged "brainwashing" and "re-education camps" and other bullshit, are we not pulling the same crap with children by trying to keep them away from ANY KIND OF NEGATIVE ELEMENTS? What happens when the child FINALLY "defects" (maybe by venturing past the "forbidden" street or "across the tracks" or when they leave home) and see's that the world we propagated to them and "brainwashed" them to believe does not exist? That yes there are bad elements, not just Chicken Pox and bullying?

Get laid!

Burger King Uses D-Word Profanity Protecting Children,Conservatives,Bullying,Brainwashing,Propaganda,North Korea,Million Moms,Over-Protection of Children,Chicken Pox,

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