
Why Does No One Wish to Understand That I've Already Taught a Friend an Ability With a Crystal.

Why Does No One Wish to Understand That I've Already Taught a Friend an Ability With a Crystal. I Can Teach Anyone a New Ability but it's Not Up to you whether you Gain a New Ability or Not? Whilst, I Don't Intend on Possibly Teaching My previous Customer's or competitor's for a Start. While, I am the Risen Christ himself but it's the 21st century and I Wasn't Born to Become a Preacher. How do I Advertise There's No Hope in HELL'S Chance Anyone Who Doesn't Have a Foreskin Will touch me, Because the Police Don't Seem to Care Less That Two Male Muslim's Have Already Tried Forcing Their Way Through My Front door After Ripping me Off £20 and Then Ruining My Livelyhood Over a Lie on Facebook About 12 Month's Later, When I Didn't Advertise on Facebook and They Actually slandered My previous business Which had ceased trading Over 12 Month's earlier.
Whilst, I've Already Taught a Friend an Ability With a Crystal but it Seems as Though No One Cares Less? While, I Got Sectioned for Saying That a Gay Muslim Guy Wishes to murder me. While, I Didn't Intend on Becoming a Magician as I Can't be Bothered With the Public. What Can you do With a Couple of Pieces of Marshmallow in your hand, With Only Using your Own Mind and Energy? Because, I Managed to do Something, but I've Given Up on Them and I'm sticking with a Swiss Army Knife in either hand Instead. While, I Thought That I may be a Starseed Who Can Possibly Teach Anyone a New Ability? As, I Seem to be Very Sensitive to Energy and I Also Have an Affinity to Crystals and Stone's too, although I'm Supposedly Suffering schizoaffective disorder by Saying That I may have healing Abilities? I Tried to explain to a Muslim Psychiatrist That I may have healed a friend's cat Which Got Mawled by a neighbour's dog With My Own Energy, but she Said That I'm Suffering schizoaffective disorder by Saying That too. Why Does No One Wish to Possibly Gain a New Ability, is Society completely Thick or What? Does a Starseed From Vega Not Actually exist, and Someone has Made it Up?

Whilst, I Told the Muslim Psychiatrist Who Wished to Section me, That I'd lay the blame on her Own Head for me Not Wishing to Possibly Teach Anyone a New Ability in the UK, if she Wished to Section me for Saying That I may have healing Abilities? So, she decided to Section me, to prove That Muslim's Don't Wish to Possibly Advance? I Really Didn't expect for it to be so hard to Advertise, That I may be a Starseed Who Can Possibly Teach Anyone Who has Got a Foreskin a New Ability? Only, I Tried Advertising on both Facebook and Twitter, but the Only comment Which Someone wrote on Facebook Was to Say That I'm Not Advertising Who I am or Where I Live either? While, when you Have an Ability Which you may be able to Teach Anyone, Then it's you Who Can choose Who you Wish to Possibly Teach? And, as I've Got a Foreskin, I refuse to Possibly Teach Anyone Who Doesn't Have a Foreskin, That's Life! If you Wish to Possibly Gain a New Ability? You Can drop your Own Pants and I will be Forced to Either Check you Out Myself, or I may Give you a Penis molding kit and a Room to mold your Own? Whilst, How Does Anyone expect to pay me? You Don't. If you Hope to Try to rape me of My Own Abilities, I Hope That you Don't Mind stabbing With a Couple of Knifes? Whilst, I Couldn't Care Less That the UK has Banned Knifes, Because the Police refuse to protect me.


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