
2020 Surge of Chronic Non-Voters Could Sway Election, But to Whom?

2020 Surge of Chronic Non-Voters Could Sway Election, But to Whom? Recent poll shows that 50 percent of chronic non-voters are absolutely certain they'll turn out in November 2020, but the partisan affiliation is split. Will a surge of previously apathetic voters change anything? How is it possible in such politically-divisive times that half of the chronic non-voters won't turnout even if the choice is Donald Trump vs. Bernie Sanders.

Bill Whittle Now with Scott Ott is a production of our Members, whom you can join at

Knight Foundation poll,chronic non-voters,unregistered eligible voters,Donald Trump,President Trump,Bernie Sanders,Hillary Clinton,unlikely voters,2016 election,2020 election,voter apathy,Scott Ott,Bill Whittle,Republican,Democrat,presidential election,

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