I am fit
I am healthy
I am enthusiastic about fitness goals
Everyday I wake up energized to work on my fitness
My body is strong and highly capable of performing physical exercise
I am consistently making progress
I easily burn fat and build muscle
I enjoy making good food choices
I am motivated to succeed
My goals are realistic
My goals are achievable
My food choices are sensible
I enjoy making good food choices
I enjoy hydrating my body well each day
I wake each day with the expectation for success
I am energetic about exercising
I look forward to my daily exercise habits
I crave healthy food everyday
My digestion functions properly
My skin is more vibrant than ever
My immune system is healthy and strong
I do not overeat
I am a successful person
Eating well comes easy for me
I am not a procrastinator
I am diligent person
I never doubt my abilities
I continually push out of my comfort zone
I always get enough sleep
I never overindulge
I carry out my plans flawlessly
I believe in myself
I crave healthy foods that energizes my body and fuel my cells
I am getting stronger and more fit everyday
I splurge sensibly
I do not overindulge
I get no pleasure in overindulgence
Making healthy food choices is highly satisfying to me
I am a healthy role model and inspiration to my family and friends
I am pleased with my fitness progress
Others easily notice and compliment me on changes I’ve made
I inspire others to become healthy and fit
I love to exercise
I move body everyday
I never fail to hydrate properly
Making good decisions comes easy for me
I am in the best shape of my life
I LOVE me.
I am extremely proud of myself
I... AM... success
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