Caller Name Talker is a wonderful caller name announcer that delivers great quality from a refined and professional interface. Caller Name Announcer speaks every thing while some one is calling you or send you a message, you will identify it with out looking to your smart phone. the top Android app that announces the caller name the instant you receive an incoming call or text messages. Faster, better, and 100% free.
This hands-free Call & SMS announcer app lets you hear who is calling or who sent you SMS.
Our caller ID feature also identifies also identifies unknown telephone numbers so you can know who called you even if the number is not in your Contact list. Hands-Free Pro. This call announcer & SMS announcer app for Android is ideal when you are working, driving, or doing other things and you need to put your phone on hands free mode. The best thing about Caller Name Announcer? It’s FREE to download and use for any Android user, user or phone.
Usually you can’t identify who is calling unless you get the phone out of your pocket, but with Caller Name Talker you don’t have to worry about that any more.
Our hands-free app, lets you hear who’s calling or texting you while driving and support in situation when your physical interactions with your phone are limited.
Caller Name Announcer speaks the incoming caller name or SMS sender name & body of the SMS.
Call name Talker & SMS announcer app is very handy. Caller Name Speaker Pro is our app is FREE to download.
Announces any incoming call or SMS text messages. Identify calls from telemarketer calls or spam calls and Speaks sender name of SMS.
Caller Name Announcer Pro speaks caller’s name for incoming call. Change ringtone volume.