
Calming Anxiety | 2 Simple Techniques for Immediate Relief | Unlearn - Ep 2 | Dhyanaa with Saumya

Calming Anxiety | 2 Simple Techniques for Immediate Relief | Unlearn - Ep 2 | Dhyanaa with Saumya Namaste! I am Saumya. Welcome to Episode 2 of Unlearn.

In this episode, we will be learning two simple techniques for calming anxiety, that can help you feel better almost immediately. Anxiety, when unchecked, can be quite overwhelming and unpleasant as an experience. These simple techniques can help you unlearn your anxious response patterns, and help you discover calm amidst chaos.

Anxiety Disorder, however, is a serious Mental Health Condition, which, like any other ailment, requires proper care and medical support. It is crucial to seek help in case your symptoms are making you dysfunctional. Heart palpitations, excessive worrying, sweating, feeling faint, panic - which may sometimes lead to panic attacks, spread over a course of 6 weeks or more, may hint towards an anxiety disorder. In case you are diagnosed with one, use these techniques as coping skills to reduce anxiety, along with regular therapy and medication.

It is healthy and perfectly normal to reach out for help. Remember, you and your presence matter. And that you deserve to feel better.

Use the tips mentioned in the Vlog, and do let me know if there is something else that you like to do when you are feeling anxious.

Until next time,

Wishing you love and peace,

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Happy Un-Learning! :)

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