
Cat Pills. 1st Week Success!

Cat Pills. 1st Week Success! Tuna water/juice (why did I call it that? ick)
I use one can of tuna, low sodium, packed in water. I put that into a pot, fill the can up with water and add that. I let it slowly heat to a boil and as soon as it is boiling, it is done. Strain out the tuna and have a sandwich! The fluid left is the 'tuna water'. I have an ice tray that I use to freeze it into cubes then store those in a bag in the freezer. This lasts forever. I have a small cup in my refrigerator and the night before I need it, I toss a cube into that to slowly thaw. A single cube is good for four doses on average. I use a 3ml oral syringe.

He may not seem it in this video, but my cat Clu was a nightmare to pill. Two different vet hospitals could not manage it. (or rather could not do it without seriously stressing him which they felt was worse than not having the meds at the time)
We tried all traditional methods of hiding pills in food, pill covers, etc. He would foam, lash out, fast and do everything he could to avoid pills. After one week of this method, he has calmed down considerably.

I originally filmed this for his vet. Now I am posting it for a friend and anyone who might have a cat like Clu.
I will try and record a follow up so you can see how he behaves now. I no longer have to inject a little fluid into his mouth. I just give him a taste of his treat and then pop the pill in his mouth and give him the rest. He licks it from the syringe and it is his favorite treat.

I'm happy to say that pill time has turned into a bonding time for both of us. It is a few moments every day all about him. I sometimes add in games or brushes (which, he loves) and when I call out pill time and rattle the syringe in the cup, he comes running.

He is taking medication for his thyroid and liver in this video. Because of a bad reaction to his thyroid meds, he had a I-131 treatment which has worked beautifully. However, at this time he still needs to take a medication to buffer his liver.


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