That is the time of earliest symptoms like fatigue, headache, sneezing, nasal block or runny nose, sore palate or throat or feeling unwell.
Don’t delay “Hot Steam Inhalation”, “warm water face wash” and “warm water gargling” (triple heat therapy) at this point while seeking medical advice. “Steam” is no more just a home remedy. It is backed by science.
Delaying or not doing hot steam may cause days to weeks long suffering with fever, severe body aches, loss of appetite, coughs (pneumonias), lost hours at work or earnings, waste of money and time for treatments.
Hot steam inhalation not only control your infection early but also helps to reduce the spread it to your loved family and friends.
Also there is a huge misuse and over use of Antibiotics around the world for respiratory tract infections which leads to antibiotic resistance. My aim is to get people to use "triple heat therapy" at the very early stages of respiratory infections and to limit this precious antibiotic usage.
This is a detalied explanation about how to effectively use hot steam inhalation to control common flu and cold within 24-48 hours. Here I have explained the proper technique, timing of the treatment, things to avoid during the treatment and cautions about the treatment.
If you have any CORONA contacts and get early symptoms you need to contact your DOCTOR URGENTLY but still may continue to steam as there is no drug treatment at this stage.
It involves "Hot Steam Inhalation", "Warm water face wash" and "Warm water gargling"
Hot Steam Inhalation. ( Please note this is NOT VAPOUR COMES FROM A VAPOURISER OR NEBULISER)
You need 2-3 liters (kettle full of) boiling water, a container and a blanket. It is important to cover hot steam with a blanket.
Breath in through one nostril at a time. Exhale through the mouth.
Each breat should be a slow and long one lasting for 5 seconds.
Do it at least for 5 mins or till the blocks at each nostril is clear.
If you have cough at the very begining inhale and exhale through mouth.
Followed by 3-5 mins "Warm water face wash" and " Warm water gargling"
Timing of Hot Steam Inhalation.
Should start at the earlist symptom of cold/flu like fatigue, headache, sneezing, nasal block or runny nose, sore palate or throat or feeling unwell.
How frequently?
2-4 times a day.
If you don't take paracetamol you can guide the numer of treatments by symptom severity.
If you take paracetamol regularly, always follow triple heat therapy every time take paracetamol.
When to stop?
At least 24-48 hours after all your symptoms improved. (You can seek medical advice at any stage of the illness but don't do steam more than 24 hours without medical advice)
Things not to do with Hot Steam Inhaltion
You should not be eating or drinking chilled food or water. Avoid cold showers.Should avoid cold weather and very cold air conditioning. (All of the above just doing opposite for what we are trying to do and worsen the illness)
Should not take paracetamol or other pain killers unles you have fever or severe body aches.
Should not do steam if you have fever. First take paracetamol and wait for fever to resolve.
Should not share any thing you use for the therapy and wash your hands well afterwards.
When to be careful about hot steam inhalation?
If you have immunosupression always seek medical advice at the earliest symptom.
Never continue steam inhaltation alone if there is no improvement of your symptoms within 48 hrs or if symptoms getting worse. (It could be a bacterial infection which may need different treatment)
Science behind "triple heat therapy"
With in minutes of applying heat to your air ways you start to feel easy to breah with reduced congestion nose and head. It is just heat effect. It is not due to control of virus in your air way.
What really happens is due to heat your local blood vessels gets dilated and coiculation improves. With that your get army of white blood cells delivered to balttle field to fight against virus infected respiratory lining cells. We call it "Cell Mediated Immunity".Now your virus growth is suppressed and it can't knock you down.
When you continue to steam next 24-48 hrs your lymphocytes have enough time and strenght to produce "antibodies" against above suppressed infection. Antibodies are the definite treatment for that perticular strain of virus and almost all the time you wont get the same infection. We call it " Humoral Immunity".
I have also done a scientific discussion about possibilties of using same treatment method on rapidly spreading COVID-19 with below link.
I whish you very good health!