जय किसान दोस्तों,
मैं चौधरी नरेश आपका स्वागत करता हूँ हमारे इस छोटे से यूट्यूब परिवार में।
Vision - Growth of Indian Dairy Farming sector and provides honest and transparent knowledge about Dairy Farming and Organic farming.I want our farmers and our country to become the #farmingleader
Dosto is video me maine aapko bataya hai ke #mineralmixturegharparkaisebanaye . Ummed hai video aapko pasand aayegi.Video ko like or share jarur kare.
Dairy product recommendation
1. Mineral mixture -
My youtube gears/devices/equipments
1. Camera :
2. Microphone :
3. Tripod :
4. Smart fitness band -
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जय हिन्द।
#sahermilkyland #choudharynaresh
#dairyfarminginindia #howtomakemineralmixtureathome