
Just Another Conversation Between Mental Health Professionals (Phone Call to a Psych Emergency Room)

Just Another Conversation Between Mental Health Professionals (Phone Call to a Psych Emergency Room) Although this phone call itself never happened (it's a comedy sketch) I have heard versions of all these things happen during my ten years working as a psychotherapist, including:

--forced treatment of mental health clients
--forced drugging, both inpatient and outpatient
--forced hospitalizations
--repeated breaking of client confidentiality both within the "professional ethical rules" and quite outside it
--therapists and psychiatrists gaslighting patients
--clinicians viewing clients' greatest strengths as diagnosable pathology
--clinicians absolutely refusing to take seriously the clients' very legitimate complaints about the side effects of their psychiatric drugs
--clinicians having no clue of standard common known drug side effects of the very drugs they're insisting clients take
--therapists and psychiatrists utterly lacking empathy for clients
--clinicians ganging up on clients and then labeling them paranoid
--clinicians projecting their own unconscious issues onto clients and then diagnosing and hospitalizing clients for said issues
--any or all of these things potentially resulting in clients becoming suicidal...

This is not to say that all mental health professionals are like this (thank god!), and this sketch does take things a bit in the direction of the ridiculous, but still...if these underlying issues were not so painfully common it wouldn't have be so easy for me to write this sketch! (It took about fifteen minutes to write.)

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Also, check out this valuable website for related information and scientific backing for the things I'm saying in this video:


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