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What is going on everyone? So today's video is a different one for sure. Two of my Lake Malawi African Cichlids had these strange growth (tumor) (tumour) on its tail. The fish in question are the dimidiochromis compressiceps aka the Malawi Eye Biter. So we need to work on removing these growths (tumors) (tumours) from the two fish. We are going to need some items to do this safely. 2 plastic containers that will fit the fish, clove oil, air pump, air line, air stone, razor blades, syringe, hydrogen peroxide, paper towels, cup, bath towel and medical grade gloves. This is what I used.
So what you need to do is allow the fish to sit in a water bath with a few drops of clove oil for a min or so (until the are limp, NOT A LONG TIME or they may become euthanized) The reason you do this is to anesthetize them (anesthesia) so they go to sleep for the procedure. You want to be as quick as you can and check the fish to make sure its mouth and gills are moving. You want to get them back into a container of fresh tank water asap while allowed air from a air stone to run under the gilled to force that air there as you will see in the video. I cant stress enough, dont have them in the clove oil solution long or they can die.
I hope that this video was helpful. We do this to help the fish. Removing the growth is important to the health of the fish. I love to read and respond to your comments, please comment, like and share. If you like fish videos and found this video helpful, please consider subscribing and clicking the bell to be notified on future videos. Thank you and Stay Tanked!
Always research How To operate on aquarium fish.
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