Factors such as finding good deals and putting certain management practices and components in place enables you to make sure you can actualize on value add investments. From filtering through scores of opportunities to invest in to making sure the commercial tenants hire from the local community it takes a seasoned skillset to interconnect it all.
To join Dr Watkins’ wealth building program for children, please visit BlackMillionairesOfTomorrow.com To take Dr Watkins’ financial course, please visit TheBlackWealthBootcamp.com To take Dr Watkins’ course on how to fire your boss, please visit IDontWantaBoss.com Twitter: @DrBoyceWatkins1 Instagram: @TheRealBoyceWatkins Youtube: Youtube.com/DrBoyceWatkins Text the word Boyce to 31996 to connect via text message Email: boyce@boycewatkins.com
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