Given the vagaries of the British weather, whatever kind of outdoor activity you choose, there will be a time when you have to put wet or muddy (or both) items in the boot. Whether its your dog, your pram, your fishing gear, your golf bag, your hiking gear; they will end up in the boot, transferring their moisture and dirt to your boot area carpets, sidewalls and seat backs. Because Smoothskins is a premium product, installing the system actually IMPROVES the look of your car boot area at the same time dealing with the issue of carrying wet and dirty items.
The liner’s water-resistant fabric and its bespoke construction prevent liquids from seeping into the carpeted areas of your boot mitigating the likelihood of stains and smells in the boot area, and helping to maintain your car in pristine condition. And when it comes time to sell your car the resale value is unaffected; Lease car owners can attract remediation costs if the car is returned in less than perfect condition, so fitting the Smoothskins system can save you money in the long term!
Pet Friendly
The padded surface of the Smoothskins liner is designed for robustness, easy maintenance and, more importantly, comfort for your pet. Most boot protection systems on the market are made from hard surface materials and offer little ‘grip area for the animal, which means that they slide around uncontrollably in the boot. The Smoothskins system offers a padded, diamond-patterned surface, offering both grip and comfort to your canine passengers as well as preventing items in the boot sliding around excessively. And because the entire boot area is covered, the boot sides and seat backs offer additional protection to anything carried in the boot – as well as offering protection to these areas from the items placed in the boot – a real win-win situation. Because the Smoothskins fabric is non-absorbent, you don’t have any problems with odour issues either!
Robust and Easy to Clean
Our robust boot lining systems protects both the items you put into the boot while protecting the boot area from damage from your loaded items. If you often carry ‘dirty’ loads, then you need the additional protection offered by the Smoothskins system and because it has such an attractive finish and brilliant, made-to-measure fit, you can leave the system in place, avoiding the need to constantly install and uninstall the protection every time you need it. Boots are amazing dirt collectors – especially if you follow outdoor pursuits or have dogs. The Smoothskins system offers wipe clean maintenance with no awkward ridges as offered by many boot protection systems that trap dirt and often have to be removed completely for a proper clean..
Easy to fit
The majority of boot liners have to be cut to size to make them fit a car; the Smoothskins system is a bespoke, premium product that requires no cutting or adjusting; they are designed for home installation, but the process is so simple that your boot protection will be fully installed and protecting your boot within minutes. See our simple to follow video guide here (link to video on YouTube or website)
Our custom-made boot liners are carefully designed to fit your boot perfectly, with a rapid and easy to follow installation.