
Ujjayi breath tutorial. Deep yogic breath. Nostril breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing. Pranayama

Ujjayi breath tutorial.  Deep yogic breath.  Nostril breathing.  Diaphragmatic breathing.  Pranayama This video is intended for all levels. Ujjayi, or abdominal breathing, is a deeper breath through the nostrils. It can be used to calm the body before a yoga practice, or at any moment throughout the day.

It is a foundational pranayama (prana = life force energy, yama = control), and involves conscious control of the breath. It is used in hatha, vinyasa, ashtanga, and other forms of yoga. Please begin gently and without force, and slowly build up to slower, deeper breaths.

If you feel light headed or in pain please do not persist.

*This is one way of teaching/learning ujjayi, but is by no means the only right way. Please take instruction from your teacher and listen to your body.

This channel is intended to offer yoga and psychology videos for you to mix-and-match to create a self practice.

Videos cover the basics from breath, (pranayam), to the physical yoga practice (asana): from warmup, to flow, technique and alignment instruction for poses in vinyasa, hatha, yin, and restorative yoga.

The foundations of yoga are in its philosophy, and I do my best to honour the tradition of yoga, integrating the eight limbs of yoga in my teaching.

Join Harriet in person for yoga psychology in 2020.

25 April-2 May: 1 week yoga psychology retreat in Portugal with experienced yoga teacher Federico Zanchetta

May 3, 4 & 7: Full day Mindful Movement and Resilience workshops with esteemed Clinical Psychologist Dr James Erskine in North London

Much more to be announced soon!

For private sessions and inquiries please email

Insta: @smileinthesky16
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What'sApp +61403324781

Enjoy your practice!
Much love, Harriet 🙏


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