
Walk In The Newness Of Life by DR ANDREWS SAINT SACKEY (31|01|2020) #eicdohaservic

Walk In The Newness Of Life by DR ANDREWS SAINT SACKEY (31|01|2020) #eicdohaservic Welcome to Ebenezer Inter-Denominational Church, Doha

Ebenezer Inter-Denominational Church exists to bring glory to Jesus Christ by embracing all Christian living and working in Qatar and the Gulf Region. The church shall strive to be Christ-Centered, Evangelistic, Disciplined, Democratic, United, Self-Sustaining and Growing Church in Qatar and in the Gulf Region.

Ebenezer Inter-Denominational Church shall uphold the centrality of the word of God and through enablement of the Holy Spirit, adopt a Holistic development of her Human and Material Resources to:
1. Improve church growth through effective Evangelism and Church Life & Nurture.
2. Improve International Unity and Cohesion among Members of the church.
3. Attain self-sufficiency through effective resource mobilization and subsequent management.
4. Address all factors that inhibit development of its members through pastoral care and counseling, advocacy, support and delivery of social service.
5. Cherish partnership and Ecumenism with all Christ-cantered Churches in Qatar and globally.

Fellowship with us this and every Friday at the Religious Complex, Antioch Hall "A", Doha. Service begins at 11:15AM and ends at 1:15PM.

Also join us this and every Tuesday evening for a time of prayer at the Religious Complex, Antioch Hall "A", Doha (7:00PM - 8:30PM) and also in Mesaieed (5:00PM - 6:00PM)

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