
Watch Live: VERDICT - Anthony Pardon Penalty Phase in Rachael Anderson Murder

Watch Live:  VERDICT - Anthony Pardon Penalty Phase in Rachael Anderson Murder This is a Death Penalty Case.

Convicted killer Anthony Pardon is scheduled for a penalty phase in the kidnapping, rape, and murder of Rachael Anderson. Court is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. ET.

The defendant was found guilty Thursday, February 13. He attacked her in her apartment, tied her up, strangled her with a cord, and stabbed her in the back of the head, prosecutors said. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Amy Van Culin suggested at closing arguments that Pardon kept Anderson alive long enough to get her debit card pin number.

The defendant’s sister Deborah Pardon testified for the state, saying that she and her brother used the victim’s debit card after the murder. This witness took the stand in exchange for dodging a possible theft and forgery prosecution. Another man, 61-year-old Anthony Sleet, was found to have also used the debit card, but he was excluded as a suspect in Anderson’s death.

Convicted killer Anthony Pardon is scheduled for a penalty phase in the kidnapping, rape, and murder of Rachael Anderson. Court is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. ET.

The defendant was found guilty Thursday, February 13. He attacked her in her apartment, tied her up, strangled her with a cord, and stabbed her in the back of the head, prosecutors said. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Amy Van Culin suggested at closing arguments that Pardon kept Anderson alive long enough to get her debit card pin number.

#AnthonyPardon - DNA analyst testified Pardon's DNA found on the curling iron and its cord, the blow dryer and its cord, victim's right wrist, a swab from her inner thigh. No sperm found on/in victim.

The defendant’s sister Deborah Pardon testified for the state, saying that she and her brother used the victim’s debit card after the murder. This witness took the stand in exchange for dodging a possible theft and forgery prosecution. Another man, 61-year-old Anthony Sleet, was found to have also used the debit card, but he was excluded as a suspect in Anderson’s death.

It took about six hours over two days for jurors to reach their verdict.

The defense tried to show that prosecutors lacked the DNA and geolocation evidence to tie Pardon to the scene, but that argument didn’t work on the jury. Now the attorneys must attempt to save their client from the death penalty.


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Anthony Pardon Trial,Anthony Pardon,Pardon Trial,Anthony Pardon Penalty Phase,

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