

What I SPEND IN A WEEK as a COLLEGE STUDENT! 💸😱 Hey yall! Today's video is a SHOCKING ONE! Here is what I spend in a week as a college student at Ohio State! This number is definitely out of the normal for me lol, trust me, I am a very frugal budgeter, but for some reason I did not plan well and my budget went totally out of the window during this week....but I hope yall enjoy anyways!

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♥ Duvolle // MARISSA2019 for 70% off

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♥ Vlog Camera // Canon EOS M100 -
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♥ Editing Software // Final Cut Pro X -

♥ Intro & Outro // Jerry Folk - - Oh Wonder - Lose It (Jerry Folk Remix) -
♥ Background Music // Golden Hour by Vlad Gluschenko
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library

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what I spend in a week,what I spend in a week as a college student,college student budget,college budget,I spent how much,college what I spend in a week,ohio state university,osu budget,Marissa Nicole,My Drifting Desk,Conquer College,College YouTuber,Ohio State Vlogger,Ohio State,OSU,Sorority Life,College Life,Vlog,Freshman,What To,How To,The Ohio State University,College Vlogger,College,

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