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Get ready for the CRAZIEST Bachelor Finale theory you’ve ever heard.
With Pete Weber’s finale just a few weeks away, I wanted to take today to share with you the MOST INSANE finale theory I’ve heard yet. And there seems to ACTUALLY be some validity to it.
BUT before I get into it, I just wanted to remind you to hit that subscribe button and notification bell, so we can keep you updated on all things Bachelor.
Okay SO no joke, since I heard this theory, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. And re-watching promos. And creeping on social media. Because I genuinely think this is a possible outcome that none of us saw coming.
That theory is….that Pete Weber actually doesn’t end up with any of the girls from his season. But instead, ends up with his producer, Julie LaPlaca.
Now, you may be like ummm this is the most random theory I’ve ever heard in my life and if you’re thinking that, you’re correct but let’s get to the evidence, shall we? Because it may shock you.
EXHIBIT A. Social media tells us everything, does it not? Well get this. On top of Peter, his mom AND BROTHER, both follow Julie on social media. Which means they’re all pretty close, right?
In fact, Julie posted THIS photo of her and Peter a month before the season premiere, with the caption, “one more month til this bachelor takes off on the greatest flight of his life” And Peter’s mom commented on the photo, writing “fasten your seatbelts…turbulence ahead” to which JULIE responded with winky kiss face emojis
But it’s not just Peter’s family that had us suspicious of that photo. One woman commented on that same one, writing “Peter is the cutest bachelor yet!” and Julie liked it. Just saying.
Also, there’s apparently another photo that I couldn’t personally find, but the reddit user who started this theory, found a photo of a woman that Julie follows WITH Peter and that woman tagged Julie in the photo with a caption that says something about there being an unexpected ending indeed. Which sounds, sus. Does it not?
This next piece of evidence for exhibit B is one of the less convincing pieces of evidence, because I’m saving the best for last, BUT it still raises some eyebrows so hear me out. On January 12th, Julie was tagged in THIS photo and as you can see, she’s wearing a Seahawks hat. Peter LOVES the seahawks, we all know that. And maybe Julie does too but she’s from Connecticut so it’s not like that’s her home team and it’s just a very interesting thing to coincidentally have in common with the man everyone thinks you’re secretly engaged to.
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